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Share price history details

  • Historical share price
  • Investment calculator
  • Dividends and capital history

Historic share price

Look up the historical share price and download data.

Important information:

On November 28, 2011 Novozymes carried out a 1-to-5 stock split. The nominal value of Novozymes’ B shares listed on NASDAQ Copenhagen changed from DKK 10 to DKK 2. The prices you can look up here are rebased to reflect the split.

Share price history older than November 17, 2000 must be found by going to Novo Nordisk' website. Find the share price of the Novo Nordisk stock at the desired date (but please be observant of the stock splits carried out by Novo Nordisk). 9.3% of this share price constitutes the estimated share price of Novozymes at that date.

Novozymes B (COP) - Data starting from 17/11/2000

Investment calculator

The Investment calculator makes it possible to estimate the return on a specified investment in the Novozymes share.

Dividends & capital history

At the Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on March 3, 2023, a dividend payment of DKK 6.00 per share for a total payout of approximately 1.660 million for the 2022 financial year was approved. This is 9%, or DKK 0.50, higher per share than the dividend paid for 2021 and corresponds to a payout ratio of 45.0% of the net profit generated in 2022. Adjusted for non-recurring items with no cash flow impact related to 21st. Bio and the Microbiome Labs earnout, the payout ratio is 50.9%.

Full capital history including number of shares

Year Dividend
per share
Share capital
(DKK million)
Average outstanding number
of shares (million)
Average outstanding number
of shares (diluted, million)
2022 6.00 562 276.6 278.7
2021 5.50 564 277.9 280.2
2020 5.25 570 280.4 282.0
2019 5.25 582 285.1 286.6
2018 5.00 594 290.4 292.4
2017 4.5 610 295.3 297.2
2016 4.00 620 300.5 303.1
2015 3.50 626 306.0 309.4
2014 3.00 639 311.9 315.1
2013 2.50 639 313.8 317.4
2012 2.20 650 314.0 318.3
2011 1.90 650 315.2 320.0
2010 1.60 650 313.2 319.4
2009 1.15 650 310.3 315.3
2008 1.05 650 309.3 315.0
2007 1.00 650 309.6 318.1
2006 0.90 650 314.4 322.5
2005 0.80 696 327.3 335.3
2004 0.70 726 341.4 349.2
2003 0.63 754 352.3 354.3
2002 0.45 754 361.7 366.1
2001 0.40 754 368.1 371.4
2000 0.33 754 376.5 377.0